
Hello! and welcome to my blog!
Here I will share my inner most darkest soul, I like to show people using digital interpretive dance! [I just did a double Batman backflip] (jk)

Actually, this is to share my thoughts and feelings as I go through what some would describe as “a difficult time”. If you are (un)fortunate enough to have me added on the old social media site face-pamphlet you may already be familiar with my dank memes and somewhat dark sense of humour, if not, oh dear. Let me be the first to apologise, this blog may contain poor taste jokes, swearing and upon occasion; emotional outbursts.

I am the purveyor of fine, rare, collectable diseases: A rare Kidney disease and a rare Neurological disease. In way of context; I am married with two boys, middle aged and up until recently, lived a very active lifestyle. by this I mean working, camping, shooting, fishing, bushcrafting and of course going to the gym to work off christmas. It is perhaps this that makes my lifestyle change so significant, I am now physically limited as to how much of the above I can still do. I will post thoughts, articles and images that I want to share with you all as part of my legacy and to hopefully inspire people; especially those who are also going through Motor Neurons Disease.

It’s noteworthy, at this stage and fair to say, that my life isn’t typical, I have no regrets in life. I have done most things, I get to do a lot of things daily what some don’t do in their lifetimes – I am extremely grateful for this.

I hope people read this and take something from it, feel free to share it, comment on it, use it if you like… if I offend you, I’m sorry, it’s not my intention.



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